“I’ve never seen so much money before.”
Tom Holland and Tom Hollander, despite their very similar names, have significantly different earnings. The Pirates of the Caribbean star realized this vividly when he mistakenly received a younger colleague’s check. While the Brit and the American are easily distinguishable in appearance, their differing surnames by just two letters can cause confusion, and it did. There was an error from the accounting department. For some time, we [I and Holland] were with the same agency. It was a nightmare. I was at a theater in England visiting a friend after finishing shooting a BBC series for which I received $30,000. During the intermission, I checked my email and found one from my agency: “First royalties for *Avengers*.” However, this mix-up did not prompt Tom Hollander to join Marvel, even though it would have been the easiest way to move beyond the pay rates he had become accustomed to. The next movie featuring the *White Lotus* actor will be *Freud’s Last Session,* a production about the father of psychoanalysis.